2.1 Installation |
Software requirements |
* Apache's mod_rewrite needed for public site nice urls and search engine indexing
** PHP needs pcre-regex and globals turned on
*** or any gecko-based, DOM2 javascript capable (document.getElement) browser
Steps |
1. Download kaolak.tar.gz or kaolak.zip or kaolak.sit. (MacOs)
2. Unpack and place the kaolak directory under the document root of your web server.
3. Edit kaolak/inc/config.php with your database info. If PHP do not have database create rights, create the database manually.
4. Launch your web browser and run http://yourIP/kaolak/setup/kaolak-create.php to create db tables, insert core data and create kaolak root user ('kaolak'). Use kaolak/setup/kaolak-create.sql instead if limited rights.
5. Kaolak is now set up. Go to http://yourIp/kaolak/gui/superadmin/ (login: kaolak - password: kaolak) to change the root password, create new branches, add modules, etc.
6. chmod PHP user to write under /kaolak/branches/
Note: Remove/hide /kaolak/setup/ directory