class MySqlDb |
Parent class: |
none |
Location: |
/inc/mysqldb.php |
Description: |
Database interface |
Constructor: |
MySqlDb(str $host=null,str $user='',str $passwd='',str $dbase=null,res $link=null,res $connection=null) |
Fields: |
private string $host
private string $dbase
private string $user
private string $passwd
private ressource $link
private ressource $connection
Methods: |
public ressource connect($hostOnly=null)
private ressource isConnected($hostOnly=null)
public void disconnect()
public bool createDb(str $dbName=$this->dbase)
public bool dropDb(str $dbName=$this->dbase)
public bool createTable(str[] $tableDesc)
public bool alterTable(str $queryStr)
public bool dropTable(str $tableName)
public bool tableExists(str $tableName)
protected bool query(str $queryStr)
public str[][] select(str $queryStr)
public str selectUniqueField(str $queryStr)
public str[] selectUniqueRow(str $queryStr)
public int insert(str $queryStr)
public bool update(str $queryStr)
public bool delete(str $queryStr)
class Kaolak |
Parent class: |
MySqlDb |
Location: |
/inc/kaolak.php |
Description: |
utilities |
Constructor: |
Kaolak() |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public void throwError(str $error)
public bool addNodeType(str $typeName,bool $verbose=null)
public bool addNodeDataType(str $dataTypeName,str $dataTypeDataTypeName,int $nodeTypeId=null)
public bool addNodeDataTypeDataType(str $typeName,str $dataTypeSqlDataTypeName)
public int getNodeTypeId(str $typeName)
public int getNodeTypeName(int $typeId)
public int getNodeDataTypeId(str $dataTypeName)
public int getNodeDataType(int $dataTypeId)
public int getNodeDataTypeDataType(int $dataTypeDataTypeId)
public int getNodeId(str $dataTypeName,str $data,str $typeName=null)
public int getBranchId(str $branchName)
public int getLangId(str $langRef)
public int getMimeTypeId(str $mtName)
public int getSessionId(str $sessionStr)
public str[] getModules()
public bool addModule(str $moduleName)
public str getEncPass(str $password)
public str getTimestamp()
class Node |
Parent class: |
Kaolak |
Location: |
/inc/node.php |
Description: |
kaolak most important class - provides generic operations on nodes
Class and subclasses getters and setters taking $getFromDb or $updateDb work the following way :
getFoo() gets foo from object
getFoo(1) gets foo from db
setFoo(foo) sets foo in object
setFoo(foo,1) sets foo in db
setFoo(getFoo(1)) sets foo in object from db
setFoo(getFoo(),1) sets foo in db from object
Constructor: |
Node(int $id=null) |
Fields: |
private int $id
private int[] parents
private int[] children
private int type
private int branch
private int user_id
private int permission_read
private int permission_write
private int locked
Methods: |
protected int getId()
protected int add()
protected bool remove()
private bool checkPermission(str $readOrWrite)
protected int getPermission(str $readOrWrite,int $userId)
protected int[] getPermissions(str $readOrWrite)
protected bool setPermission(str $readOrWrite,int $userId,bool $suid = false)
private str/str[] getDataFromDb(str $dataType,int $sortOrder=0,int $langId=0)
private bool setDataInDb(str $dataType,str/str[] $value,int $sortOrder=0,int $langId=0)
protected str/str[] getField(str $fieldName,bool $getFromDb=false,int $sortOrder=0,int $langId=0)
protected bool setField(str $fieldName,str/str[] $value,bool $updateDb=false,int $sortOrder=0,int $langId=0)
protected int isLocked()
protected bool lock(int $userId)
protected bool unLock()
protected bool isGroup()
public int[] getParents(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool setParents(int[] $parentIds, bool $updateDb=false)
public bool addParent(int $parentId, bool $updateDb=false)
public bool removeParent(int $parentId, bool $updateDb=false)
public int[] getChildren(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool setChildren(int[] $childIds, bool $updateDb=false)
public bool addChild(int $childId, bool $updateDb=false)
public bool removeChild(int $childId, bool $updateDb=false)
public bool isParent(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool isParentOf(int $childId,bool $getFromDb=false)
private str[][] getAllInfo(int $langId=0,bool $setFields=false)
protected str getName(bool $getFromDb=false)
protected bool setName(str $name,bool $updateDb=false)
protected int getTypeId(bool $getFromDb=false)
protected bool setTypeId(int $typeId,bool $updateDb=false)
protected int getBranchId(bool $getFromDb=false)
protected bool setBranchId(int $branchId,bool $updateDb=false)
protected bool setAsGroup(bool $updateDb=false)
protected bool unsetAsGroup(bool $updateDb=false)
public int getCreator(bool $getFromDb=false)
public str getCreationDate(bool $getFromDb=false)
public int getModificator(bool $getFromDb=false)
public str getModificationDate(bool $getFromDb=false)
class User |
Parent class: |
Node |
Location: |
/modules/user/user.php |
Description: |
user operations |
Constructor: |
User(int $id=null) |
Fields: |
private str $username
private str $passwd
Methods: |
public int add()
public str getUsername(bool $getFromDb=false)
public str getName(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool setUsername(str $username,bool $updateDb=false)
public bool setName(str $name,bool $updateDb=false)
public str getPassword(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool setPassword(str $password,bool $updateDb=false)
public str[] getAccessPermissions(int $nodeTypeId)
public int getAccessPermission(int $nodeTypeId)
public bool setAccessPermissions(str[] $permissions)
public bool setAccessPermission(int $nodeTypeId,int $permissionLevel)
public str getEmail(bool $getFromDb=false)
public str setEmail(str $email,bool $updateDb=false)
public int[] getGroups(bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool setGroups(int[] $groupIds,bool $updateDb=false)
public bool addToGroup(int $groupId,bool $updateDb=false)
public bool removeFromGroup(int $groupId,bool $updateDb=false)
public bool isInGroup(int $groupId,bool $getFromDb=false)
public bool lockNode(int $nodeId)
public bool unlockNode(int $nodeId)
public bool releaseLocks(int $preserveLockId=null)
public bool editNode(int $nodeId)
class Mime_type |
Parent class: |
Node |
Location: |
/modules/document/mime_type.php |
Description: |
Constructor: |
Mime_type(int $id=null) |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public int add()
public str getSuffixStr(bool $getFromDb = null)
public bool setSuffixStr(str $suffix,bool $updateDb = null)
public int getIdFromName(str $mimeType)
public bool getIdFromSuffix(str $suffix)
class Document |
Parent class: |
Node |
Location: |
/modules/document/document.php |
Description: |
Constructor: |
Document(int $id=null) |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public int add()
public int getMimeTypeId(str $mimeType)
public str getMimeType(bool $getFromDb = null)
public bool setMimeType(str $mimeType,bool $updateDb = null)
public str getDescription(bool $getFromDb = null,bool $getAsHtml = null)
public bool setDescription(str $description,bool $updateDb = null)
public str getDir()
public bool upload(ressource $file,str $name = null)
public bool remove()
class Session |
Parent class: |
Node |
Location: |
/modules/user/session.php |
Description: |
session management |
Constructor: |
Session(int $id=null) |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public int add()
private str makeSessionStr()
private str getSessionStr(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setSessionStr(str $sessionStr, bool $updateDb=false)
public int getUser(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setUser(int $userId,bool $updateDb=false)
public str getLoginIp(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setLoginIp(str $IP,bool $updateDb=false)
public str getLoginTime(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setLoginTime(str $unixTimestamp,bool $updateDb=false)
private str getLastCall(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setLastCall($str $unixTimestamp,bool $updateDb=false)
public str getLogoutTime(bool $getFromDb=false)
private bool setLogoutTime(str $unixTimestamp, bool $updateDb=false)
public void begins()
public void terminates()
public void persists()
public bool isClosed()
public bool hasTimedOut()
private bool check()
class GUI |
Parent class: |
none |
Location: |
/gui/gui.php |
Description: |
Graphical User Interface RUDI utilities.
init() sets constants $KAOLAK (Kaolak object), KAOLAK_USERID (currently logged user id), $KAOLAK_USER (currently logged User object), $BRANCH (currently logged to branch object) |
Constructor: |
none |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public void init()
public Node getNode(int $nodeId)
public mixed[] getNodeInfo(int $nodeId)
public str getBranchHtml(str $nodeType,str $htmlY, bool $groupsOnly=false)
public str getNodeHtml(str[][] $nodes,int $parentId,$int $startNode,int $level=1,str $pathStr='')
class SuperGUI |
Parent class: |
Location: |
/gui/superadmin/supergui.php |
Description: |
Superuser Graphical User Interface RUDI utilities.
init() sets constants $KAOLAK (Kaolak object), KAOLAK_USERID = 1, $KAOLAK_USER (superuser User object) |
Constructor: |
none |
Fields: |
Methods: |
public void init()